

Growing up in a small town in the Midwest, I always felt like I was given a bag of puzzle pieces of my soul I had to carry around with me. When I was young, some of the pieces naturally connected from shifting around in the bag, but it wasn’t until college I metaphorically sat down and started consciously putting the puzzle together. 

After connecting the edges, life happened. Distractions happened. Relationships happened. I spent a lot of years living the way I thought would make me feel safe, feel loved, and feel accepted. I was always able to take on a lot, not realizing that I didn’t have to. I held a lot of stress and unhealed pain and grief for a lot of people, including my partner. I had no capacity to hold space for myself anymore and I could feel me slipping away under a veil of disillusion, not recognizing the person I saw in the mirror anymore. My puzzle was left untouched, gathering dust, for several years.

Losing my soul dog, my partner of the time, and moving to a new city all lead me to the clear realizations that readied me to move on and prioritize myself for the first time.

So I sat down, and I made a promise to myself I would work on my soul puzzle a little bit each day. As the pieces connected, I learned tools and techniques that changed the way I healed profoundly. I learned to build the muscle of my intuition and trust it wholeheartedly. I learned to truly and completely love myself, even on hard days, when my shadow would rear its angry head. I learned to love both my masculine and feminine divine energies. I learned to reframe how I processed traumas and challenges. I learned to accept that growth is not linear, and to hold each stage with grace and gratitude. 

Most importantly, I learned that my ability to connect to spirit could be used to help others heal, grow, and rediscover their true soul selves. I am so grateful for this beautiful journey of life, with all its ups and downs. I am here to be your shining, reflective mirror that shows you just how much abundant powerful light you have inside you and how to awaken it, always Leading with Love.  

